Unlocking Personal Potential: Understanding the Uncommon Personal Assessment

The Essence of the Uncommon Personal Assessment (UPA)

The UPA is not just a tool; it's a beacon of self-understanding. At its core, this personal assessment is a structured framework crafted by Uncommon, aimed at unraveling the complexities of personality traits and tendencies. Drawing inspiration from nine feminine goddess archetypes spanning various mythologies, this assessment offers a profound exploration of individuality. This comprehensive process allows us at Uncommon to determine your core group and will allow you to reflect and select carefully the coaching track you would like to explore.

Navigating the Archetypes

First, you will have access to the Uncommon Personal Assessment test. Imagine embarking on a journey through the realms of 9 goddesses:  Saraswati, Kuan Yin, Athena, Parvati, Isis, Mawu-Lisa, Freya, Kali, and Xi Wangmu.

Each archetype embodies distinct qualities and characteristics, from knowledge and wisdom to compassion, courage, creativity, and beyond. Through the UPA, participants delve into their archetype, gaining invaluable insights into their unique traits, motivations, and potential areas for growth.

  • Saraswati - Knowledge and Wisdom: Principled, rational, and driven by moral values. Embrace self-compassion and flexibility.

  • Kuan Yin - Compassion and Mercy: Excel at understanding others' needs. Develop self-awareness and set personal boundaries.

  • Athena - Wisdom and Courage: Highly motivated achievers. Balance ambition with authenticity and inner growth.

  • Parvati - The Divine Feminine: Intense emotions, introspection, and creativity. Cultivate self-acceptance and embrace uniqueness.

  • Isis - Intellectual Curiosity: Thirst for knowledge and exploration. Engage in meaningful connections and share knowledge.

  • Mawu-Lisa - Security and Loyalty: Seek reassurance and guidance. Cultivate self-trust and challenge fear-driven behaviors.

  • Freya - Versatility and Optimism: Seek new adventures but maintain mindfulness and face difficult emotions.

  • Kali - Power and Transformation: Self-confident but may struggle with control. Foster empathy and deeper connections.

  • Xi Wangmu - Harmony and Stability: Prioritize harmony but practice assertiveness and constructive conflict resolution.

The Journey Unveiled

Upon receiving your personal assessment results, participants are invited to explore the depths of their archetype. They are encouraged to reflect on their strengths, challenges, and aspirations, laying the groundwork for meaningful self-discovery. But the journey doesn't end there.

Unlocking Insights: The Debrief Session

Following the assessment, participants embark on a 30-minute session with a dedicated Uncommon team member. This debrief session serves as a pivotal moment of reflection and guidance, where individuals delve deeper into their archetype, unraveling its implications and real-world applications. During the session, participants have the opportunity to unpack their assessment results, decode their archetype, and ask questions. 

Embracing Personal Growth

At its essence, the UPA is not just about understanding oneself; it's about embracing the journey of personal growth and empowerment. Armed with newfound insights and guidance, individuals embark on a transformative quest to become the architects of their destiny. Through self-awareness, reflection, and intentional action, participants harness the power of their archetype to navigate life's complexities with grace and purpose. Whether it's cultivating self-compassion, setting personal boundaries, or embracing authenticity, the Uncommon personal assessment equips individuals with the tools they need to thrive.

Conclusion: Empowering Self-Discovery

In a world of endless possibilities, the UPA stands as a guiding light, illuminating the path to self-discovery and personal transformation. By embracing the wisdom of the archetypes, individuals embark on a profound journey of self-understanding, empowerment, and growth. This will be the base of your Uncommon Journey!


Unlocking Personal Potential: Understanding the Uncommon Compass