Exploring the Dynamics of Coaching Sessions at Uncommon

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth often requires guidance and support. At Uncommon, we recognise the significance of personalised coaching sessions tailored to individual goals and aspirations. In this blog post, we delve into the structure and essence of coaching sessions, outlining the tracks available, core groups, session dynamics, and the role of coaches in facilitating transformative experiences.

What are the Tracks?

Uncommon offers a diverse array of tracks annually, each designed to cater to the unique phases of your career journey. As an Uncommon member you will select one of the following tracks based on your need and what you would like to achieve. Let's explore some of these tracks:

Strategic Leadership: Cultivating a Balanced Leadership Toolkit

Strategic Leadership focuses on honing essential leadership skills necessary for success in today's dynamic workplace. Participants explore the intersection of traditionally masculine and feminine leadership traits, learning to strategically blend assertiveness with empathy, decisiveness with collaboration. Through real-life case studies and interactive sessions, individuals develop an authentic leadership style that fosters inclusivity, drives impactful results, and empowers teams to thrive.

Career Reboot: Navigating the New Career Evolution

The Career Reboot track acknowledges the evolving nature of careers in the modern landscape. It guides participants through the intricacies of career transitions, helping them navigate through the complexities of the job market. From introspective exercises aimed at understanding individual career patterns to practical strategies for leveraging strengths and mitigating challenges, this track empowers individuals to chart a course towards meaningful professional reinvention.

Radical Entrepreneurship: Idea Validation, Risk-taking, and an Uncommon Impact

For aspiring entrepreneurs, the Radical Entrepreneurship track offers a bold journey marked by innovation, risk-taking, and impactful change. Participants delve into the depths of entrepreneurship, exploring their motivations, strengths, and visions. From validating business ideas to envisioning the future impact of their ventures, this track equips individuals with the tools and mindset needed to navigate the challenging yet rewarding terrain of entrepreneurship.

What are the Core Groups & how do you join?

Before delving into the core sessions, participants have the opportunity to meet their first Core Group—a peer group of individuals who serve as a personal advisory board throughout the four-month journey. The process of joining involves selecting your preferred track, undertaking the Uncommon Personality test, receiving your Core Group Schedule, engaging in Core Group Social activities, and finally, participating in your first Core Session. You will have 4 sessions during a track  (one session per month) starting from your Onboarding Day.

What Does a Session Look Like?

Each coaching session is an immersive experience aimed at fostering growth and development. Typically lasting for an hour, sessions commence with an introduction to the foundational concepts of the chosen track. Prior to the session, participants are invited to submit their values and undergo an Uncommon personality test, facilitating a tailored approach to coaching. Depending on the track, sessions may feature workshops, exercises, and lectures, all geared towards deepening understanding and fostering actionable insights. Sessions are conducted both online and in-person, with a typical evening schedule accommodating participants' diverse commitments.

Who Are the Coaches?

Coaches at Uncommon are expert facilitators committed to guiding participants through their coaching journey. We select coaches and guides who themselves have held leadership roles, have experience in peer group settings and understand deeply the unique challenges faced by senior women leaders. Each coach brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table - and this is matched to the unique needs of the group. They serve as mentors, collaborators, and catalysts for personal and professional growth, empowering participants to unlock their full potential.

In conclusion, coaching sessions at Uncommon offer a transformative space for exploration, learning, and growth. Through curated tracks, supportive core groups, immersive sessions, and dedicated coaches, participants embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether refining leadership skills, navigating career transitions, or pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors, Uncommon provides the tools and guidance needed to thrive in today's dynamic landscape.

So, are you ready to embark on your coaching journey with Uncommon? Apply today and unlock the possibilities that await you.


Unlocking Personal Potential: Understanding the Uncommon Compass


Fostering Connections - an interview with Olivia Griselda